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Anti-Inflammatory Drinks for Health

Author: Maryea Flaherty

Year Published: 2019

Access: Available in English on

Anti-Inflammatory Drinks / Holistic Health / Miraculous Nature
Anti-Inflammatory Drinks for Health

Did You Know?

  • Eating Strawberries can lower levels of C-reactive protein, a marker for inflammation? It’s even associated with pain reduction! p. 169
  • Tart cherries can help fight inflammation and have pain-reducing qualities. Drinking cherry juice two times daily can increase sleep by 90 minutes. p.100

Elif’s Notes

As knowledge of the gut-brain relationship develops, we have bettered our understanding of the role of chronic inflammation in both physical and mental illness. “Anti-Inflammatory Drinks for Health” is a clear and easy to follow book of anti-inflammatory drink recipes. Though I am not a nutritionist, nor a fan of overdoing detox drinks, I found this to be an interesting read and quite enjoyed several recipes. As someone who is terrible in the kitchen but adores natural remedies, I really enjoyed the simplicity and clarity of the recipes! Note: I personally don’t use Erythritol in the recipes, and prefer alternatives to sugar such as honey.

August 28th, 22